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Crude but Unique


Days three and four have been a lot of work and a lot of refining. Even though day three got cut short by the shop's dehumidifier breaking, it was replaced quickly and ready for the next day. Even after just one night of practice the knife's shape, I feel like I have come a significant way from that first attempt. Though my hammer control is still nowhere near what it needs to be for a full blown, complex knife, for a simple skinning knife, it is at least coming in the right direction.

The shape is closer to how it should be, with a more workable build.

"That's Definitely a Knife"

When we were ready to do some belt sanding for shaping and cleaning, I was worried that it was too far gone. There were some dents from too heavy hammer swings, but my teacher assured me it could still be worked with and even have a unique "forged look".

I like the belt sander, I feel like I have a lot more control of the work.

The back of the metal needed to be smoothed before we got closer to the blade. Work our any major high spots. Also, I preferred the slight curve at the top.

The Next Step

Now we will move to the hand file and work out some of the more complicated spots. After that, it is the blade itself and the handle. I plan to make the handle pretty straight forward with a slight fan out at the bottom.

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